For the past 5 months we have demonstrated resistance mixed with resilience and put all our capabilities in active mode.

In nature there are two reflexes that have allowed living beings to survive until today, that reflex is flight or fight, when faced with fear all animals have something called the survival instinct, this paralyzes us for a microsecond, in which our brain together with the 180º vision that the human eye has, allows us to analyze the situation from end to end giving us the power to develop the most effective strategy to combat those threats that lurk, that is where human reasoning decides whether to fly or fight. This survival instinct is activated by noises, when you hear thunder, you don't run away by instinct, what we really do is listen, understand and analyze the situation that generated that thunder.

After 5 months since our last service on March 16, where we served our last table, we have decided to fight this battle. As a team leader during this period I have experienced a number of different events, making complex decisions such as letting go of trusted people, trained and efficient team members.

I have had to mature emotionally so that the finances of my business, which have been in the red for more than 5 months, do not affect my performance so much, and as a team we have turned to creativity. Together with the La Tapa del Coco team we have overcome this complex stage by creating, enhancing creativity and developing greater skills and abilities in each of the members. One day I understood that the message had to change, that each member of the team had shown the world how resilient and strong we could be, but the time had come to heal.

We are beginning a new season, healing, a new stage is coming where we will be able to go out with greater freedom, we will be able to hug those people we have missed for more than 5 months, the elderly, friends, family, colleagues. We need to heal, this complex situation we have been through has brought many of us to the brink of emotional collapse, we cry, things affect us in different ways.

Symbols are very important throughout all cultures. Our Caribbean culture is very young and this makes our symbols difficult to identify. When we see a 12-pointed Hebrew candelabra, we immediately know that it is a Jewish house, because that symbol is more than 3,000 years old. When we see a coconut or a palm tree, it is also symbolic. These are our Caribbean symbols. That is what we want to express in this new season, the healing power on an emotional, spiritual and physical level that our coconut water, our palm trees and the sea water have, and to appeal to us to go to the sea to heal ourselves.

We don't know the end of this story yet, but what we do know is that this new season is full of hope, and we will be able to heal all the wounds from the battles we have fought. HOLD ON, PAIN ENDS.

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Eric Jones

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