To mark the anniversary, a box of special chocolates created in collaboration with the Nomé brand will be available throughout the month of February.
It's been a decade since La Tapa del Coco was formed as a movement that highlights and preserves the gastronomic legacy of the Afro-Panamanian community. Founded in 2013 by Isaac Villaverde, an entrepreneur with roots in Colon, today it continues its mission as a restaurant that has reinterpreted the recipes of Afro cuisine and has become a reference for locals and tourists.
La Tapa del Coco has introduced new generations to the most representative dishes of Afro-Panamanian cuisine, such as One Pot, Jerk Chicken and Tortugas, to name a few. It has also brought its flavors to other latitudes in the name of Panama, from the United States to Morocco. Its message consists of transmitting the rich heritage of a community whose contribution has been very significant to the culinary memory of the country.
“It has been a long, complex and interesting road. Today I want to tell you about the first four years of La Tapa del Coco. We had different facets and during that time I was supported by important people to whom I want to pay tribute,” said Villaverde at the celebration of the restaurant’s 10th anniversary, held at Cruce Coffee Company. He was referring to his grandparents, a source of teaching and inspiration during his youth, and to his uncle Manuel, who instilled in him the habit of reading.
In its early days, La Tapa del Coco began by offering catering services for private events. Then, with the support of two partners, Villaverde bought a trailer and participated in various food fairs. However, the business did not turn out to be sustainable and a few months later it closed. On a second occasion, La Tapa del Coco returned with a series of independent initiatives and a message of resilience that allowed it to position itself as a business with a purpose.
Currently, it has a branch in San Francisco that will soon be remodeled. “It is my goal for 2023, we want to do it because our culture and the flavors of our gastronomy deserve a large and dignified place, where we continue to share this heritage,” Villaverde said. He also revealed La Tapa del Coco's motto for this new year: “Our heritage lives,” a phrase that can be read on the team's uniforms and on the t-shirts that are already on sale to the general public.
Afro-flavored chocolates to celebrate
To mark its 10th anniversary, La Tapa del Coco presented a box of special chocolates in collaboration with the chocolate brand Nomé. Four unique flavours created to highlight the ingredients of local gastronomy, including Panamanian cocoa: Bembita de piña, filled with pineapple chutney, all spice and thyme, Plantain Stars filled with the popular plantain tart, Rose Mary Sky with blueberry and rosemary jam and The Diamond with coconut egg and coconut caramel. This special edition is now available at La Tapa del Coco. Quantities are limited.
“I want to thank Isaac for trusting in our work. When I was at university studying culinary arts I always saw him as a reference, an example, seeing him knock on Nomé’s door to request this collaboration was incredible,” said Eric Reluz, creator of Nomé Chocolate.
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